Here will be posted flag research.

Flags that we use in #typs, #maps or in MLOs are not just one number, usually its combined with many flags where each flag does specified thing. This section will be updated in time when more flags will be researched by me or community.

1. ytyp flags
2. ymap flags
3. MLO portal flags
4. MLO room flags

#TYP flags

FLAG 0 =
FLAG 1 =
FLAG 2 =
FLAG 4 =
FLAG 8 =
FLAG 16 =
FLAG 32 =
FLAG 64 =
FLAG 128 =
FLAG 256 =
FLAG 512 =
FLAG 1024 =
FLAG 2048 =
FLAG 4096=
FLAG 8192 =
FLAG 16384 =
FLAG 32768 =
FLAG 65536 =
FLAG 131072 = Seems flag 131072 its for objects with bones
FLAG 262144 =
FLAG 524288 =
FLAG 1048576 =
FLAG 2097152 =
FLAG 4194304 =
FLAG 8388608 =
FLAG 16777216 =
FLAG 33554432 =
FLAG 67108864 = seems flag 67108864 in #typ same as in GTAV enables special attribute for doors (7,8)
FLAG 134217728 =
FLAG 268435456 =
FLAG 536870912 =
FLAG 1073741824 =
FLAG 2147483648 =

special attribute
0 default, no effect
7 most common for normal open doors
8 for sliding doors

#map flags

FLAG 1 =
FLAG 2 =
FLAG 4 = unk - but collision works
FLAG 8 =
FLAG 16 =
FLAG 32 =
FLAG 64 =
FLAG 128 =
FLAG 256 =
FLAG 512 =
FLAG 1024 =
FLAG 2048 =
FLAG 4096=
FLAG 8192 =
FLAG 16384 = object invisible, dont cast shadows but collision works (doors collision works too - openable but invisible) need more research
FLAG 32768 =
FLAG 65536 =
FLAG 131072 =
FLAG 262144 =
FLAG 524288 =
FLAG 1048576 =
FLAG 2097152 =
FLAG 4194304 =
FLAG 8388608 = object invisible but cast shadows, collision works
FLAG 16777216 =
FLAG 33554432 = object invisible, dont cast shadows but collision works (doors collision works too - openable but invisible) need more research
FLAG 67108864 =
FLAG 134217728 = object invisible, dont cast shadows but collision works (doors collision works too - openable but invisible) need more research
FLAG 268435456 =
FLAG 536870912 = object invisible, dont cast shadows but collision works (doors collision works too - openable but invisible) need more research
FLAG 1073741824 =
FLAG 2147483648 =

MLO portal flags

FLAG 0 =
FLAG 1 =
FLAG 2 =
FLAG 4 =
FLAG 8 =
FLAG 16 =
FLAG 32 =
FLAG 64 =
FLAG 128 =
FLAG 256 =
FLAG 512 =
FLAG 1024 =
FLAG 2048 =
FLAG 4096
FLAG 8192 =

Example portal flags

Mirror flags

Window flags

Door flags

mlo room flags

FLAG 1 =
FLAG 2 =
FLAG 4 =
FLAG 8 =
FLAG 16 =
FLAG 32 = limbo by default use it
FLAG 64 =
FLAG 128 =
FLAG 256 =
FLAG 512 =
FLAG 1024 =
FLAG 2048 =
FLAG 4096 =
FLAG 8192 =